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[OM] Re: Dragging the shutter, was: Decisions, decisions..

Subject: [OM] Re: Dragging the shutter, was: Decisions, decisions..
From: Chuck Norcutt <chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 06 Nov 2007 12:09:40 -0500
I used a camera for about 40 years before even knowing there was such a 
thing as "dragging the shutter".  After "retiring" from IBM and a couple 
of other software/hardware companies I decided I'd like to be a real 
photographer.  To learn the craft I apprenticed myself to a former 
instructor at the New England School of Photography for 3 years doing 
mostly portraiture and events like weddings and bar mitzvahs.  Dragging 
the shutter was one of my earliest lessons for covering events.  The 
other major lesson I learned was that 40 years of amateur photography 
hadn't really taught me very much.  I'm still learning because I still 
don't know very much.  :-)

Chuck Norcutt

Bob Whitmire wrote:
> Thanx, Chuck. You saved me more typing 'cause if I saw the expression  
> one more time I was going to have to ask, thus destroying the  
> illusion of all-knowingness that has sprung up around me. {;^]-
> --Bob
> On Nov 5, 2007, at 5:17 PM, Chuck Norcutt wrote:
>> It occurred to me that non-flash shooters (and maybe some flash  
>> shooters
>> too) don't understand what we're talking about when we say  
>> "dragging the
>> shutter" or why we do it.

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