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[OM] Re: IMG: Nathan's PAW 38: Almere and Amsterdam

Subject: [OM] Re: IMG: Nathan's PAW 38: Almere and Amsterdam
From: Andrew Fildes <afildes@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2007 08:53:48 +1000
Whereas I like the shadowing as the focus of attention  is on the dog  
and it has the correct ambience.
The composition is excellent - the lampshade is a nice hat - but I  
feel it's tilted left and have the urge to correct that.
1D2 - what lens?!!
And is Gollem a description of the way you feel the next morning?
Andrew Fildes

On 23/09/2007, at 11:02 PM, Chuck Norcutt wrote:

> Thanks for the views.  I haven't been in Amsterdam in many years.  My
> only comment is that the view in the Gollem bar can have its shadows
> significantly lifted in PhotoShop.  It produces a different picture  
> but
> as a portrait type of guy it's my natural instinct to show the faces.

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