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[OM] Re: ORF files?

Subject: [OM] Re: ORF files?
From: "Piers Hemy" <piers@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2006 16:02:55 +0100
You need a RAW converter, Tim.  I think later versions of PS have Adobe
Camera Raw included, perhaps you (like me) are stuck at PS7.  Get
Pixmantec's Rawshooter Essentials from

It's free, it's a real pleasure to use (unlike PS!), and it will enable you
to get every last ounce out of your RAW (.ORF) fils.

Oh, and the company has been bought by Adobe for it's technology to be
incorporated into Lightroom.

-----Original Message-----
From: olympus-owner@xxxxxxxxxx [mailto:olympus-owner@xxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf
Of Tim Randles
Sent: 17 October 2006 15:49
To: olympus@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [OM] ORF files?

ok, so I thought I was shooting RAW, and the file format the camera ( or the
computers?) show is .ORF... so now what do I do with this to view and edit,
photoshop doesnt recognize this format..?

Cheers.. Tim

Cheers.. Tim Randles

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