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[OM] Re: New Oly SP500UZ gets scorched in dpreview

Subject: [OM] Re: New Oly SP500UZ gets scorched in dpreview
From: "Joao T. da Costa" <joaocosta@xxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 7 Feb 2006 14:27:19 -0200
At 7:59 AM -0800 07.02.06, AG Schnozz wrote:
>  > But the main point of the criticism was that the similarly
>>  priced competition does offer IS and that the camera is
>>  non-competitive on that point.
>Exactly. Another aspect is that the camera is very feature-rich
>for the wrong buyer.  People buying these small-sensored cameras
>aren't usually the type to use RAW.  Lot's of bells and whistles
>totally lost on the target audience. Meanwhile, there is one
>killer feature (image stabilization) that is woefully missing.
>I don't think that it will be the death of the camera, though.
>It still should sell like hotcakes.
>Let's put it in perspective, though. Phil is a product reviewer
>not a market analyst.

I'm a newcomer to photography. When I started looking at photo 
websites -- September 2005 -- a number of things surprised me. One of 
them was the influence of certain individuals, such as Michael 
Reichmann or Rob Galbraith. Another aspect that appeared odd to me 
was how lists of features easily pass for equipment reviews in some 
websites. Dpreview is certainly better than average, but their 
reviews carry pages and pages of feature lists. I always wonder 
whether the target audience has any use for all these bells and 

--Joao T. da Costa

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