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[OM] Re: OM on EOS

Subject: [OM] Re: OM on EOS
From: Winsor Crosby <wincros@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 20 Aug 2005 19:22:42 -0700
Why would failure of the meter with old Nikon lenses stop a move to a  
new Nikon camera system?  Lost me on that one. Most people who buy a  
new digital buy new or at least current used lenses for it. Did you  
plan to search down some of those old legendary lenses?  Or an old  
Nikon?   Hmmmmm. :-)

There is quite a cottage industry of people installing the circuit  
chip in older Nikon lenses so they can be used with newer metering  
systems. Usually it is people who have a few beloved lenses that they  
want to carry forward with them.

Long Beach, California, USA

On Aug 20, 2005, at 5:46 PM, jowilcox@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

> I would have jumped on a D70 had it provided metering
> capabilities with old AIS lenses.  That was such a shame.

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