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[OM] Re: For you E-thingy people

Subject: [OM] Re: For you E-thingy people
From: Chuck Norcutt <chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2005 16:13:40 -0400
I know the frequency ranges are way, way different but I still think 
there's got to be a way to combine the Minolta anti-shake and the 
Olympus ultrasonic dust shaker.  Maybe the two of them will get together 
and trade technology.  Didn't the TTL metering for the OM-2s and OM-4 
using the semi-silvered mirror come from Minolta to begin with?

Chuck Norcutt

Stephen Walker wrote:
> In the current state of technology, I doubt they could
> scan the CCD fast enough to make a software-based IS
> system. Of course, if they could, it would also mean
> 5-megapixel movies and a mirror-lock-up mode with real
> time TTL imaging on the LCD screen.
> I mean, right now, isn't the CCD scanned ONCE per
> exposure?  
> If they do in-camera IS (and I'm not sure that they
> will or that they should) it will have to be a
> Konica-Minolta CCD-moving scheme.

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