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[OM] Re: 2SP battery drain

Subject: [OM] Re: 2SP battery drain
From: "Simon Worby" <simon@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 20 Dec 2004 15:31:33 -0000
I wrote:

> Whilst "off": 15 microAmps

Assuming one battery = 180mAh, two = 360mAh.

Assuming drain of 15microAmps, 1 hour uses 15 microAh, 1000 hours uses

360/15 = 24. So without any camera use at all, the batteries should last
24,000 hours. That's 1000 days, or about 2.5 years.

Of course, when the capacity gets low, voltage will drop off. I'm not a
physicist, so I'm not sure exactly how it will drop off, nor what
minimum voltage the camera needs to operate, but it seems to me that
with light use 1 year should be attainable, just...

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