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Re: [OM] Overgreased wind latch?

Subject: Re: [OM] Overgreased wind latch?
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 19 Oct 2003 23:52:29 -0700
I wish somebody else would answer this.

With the bottom off and the back toward you, the wind latches are in the upper left corner. As the wind mechanism goes around, they drop into cams below the MD gear on the same shaft. I've been able to wind that gear around slowly so the levers drop (don't remember if everything has to be released doewn there first??). Short term solution is to clean up the grease and dust and/or to wind slowly. Long term they have to be taken off (requires drilling, tapping, I believe), cleaned, relubed and replaced.


iwert wrote:


I need some help,

My OM 4Ti locked after winding, it is impossible to release the shutter.
I suppose it is the overwound. Is there anything I can do myself?

All suggestions welcome and appreciated,

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