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Re: [OM] what's good...

Subject: Re: [OM] what's good...
From: Winsor Crosby <wincros@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 7 Oct 2002 15:35:08 -0700

I think that most photographers are either Leica fans, are bemused by
Leica, or simply ignore Leica altogether.  I've had a M3 since 1974, and
would not replace it with a more modern M is this one were
lost/stolen/broken, simply because it would not be worth is to me
financially.  If I had Bill Gates' money, I would probably collect
pre-W.W. II. Leicas, and Leica gadgets and accessories.  My complaint
about Leica is that I really can't afford their new stuff, and the used
stuff is "collectible" so I can't afford it either.

Nikon and Canon seem to generate the most "lovers" and "haters".  My
experience with Nikon photographers has been uniformly negative
(arrogant), and the old ones had the "advance lever in the right eye"
problem for left-eyed photographers.  I like the Canon F1, but don't
know if anything modern would even have any appeal.

Bill Stanke

I had a brief fling for a couple of years with a Canon F1. Was never so glad to replace something. What a tank, but with a surprisingly delicate meter which was destroyed by a bang into a door which did not even mar the finish. It never felt good in the hands and always felt awkward and almost stopped taking pictures. It was replaced with the perfect camera, an OM4T.
Winsor Crosby
Long Beach, California

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