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RE: [OM] 2X teleconverter question

Subject: RE: [OM] 2X teleconverter question
From: "Timpe, Jim" <Jim.Timpe@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2002 06:50:39 -0700

One more point that I don't think has been stressed here yet, is that it's
always quite acceptable, and usually more economical, to solicit from the
list, remembering of course to put 'WTB' in the subject line of your
message.  Since probably three quarters of the available Oly gear ever
produced resides somewhere within the confines of this list, you're more
than likely to find what you're after.

PS;  At least half of the above mentioned three quarters is in Tom Scales

<g>  just kidding, Tom.  Haven't sent a zinger your way in awhile.

-----Original Message-----
From: Andrea 

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