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Re: [OM] [OT]WAS ALERT, NOW Snake Identification

Subject: Re: [OM] [OT]WAS ALERT, NOW Snake Identification
From: Chuck Norcutt <norcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 14 Jul 2001 08:34:52 -0400
Rich said:
WA state isn't like "Oz", or even Texas, w/regards to poisonous snakes,
but we do have the western 
diamondback rattlesnake <snip> One of my dads co-workers & hunting
partners had one strike just past his face from a tree!  That would have
been potentially fatal, I presume?
According to my sources Western Diamondbacks are not found north of
Arizona/New Mexico/Oklahoma.  I think the only rattlesnake in Washington
state is the Prairie Rattlesnake which, despite the name, can also be
found in mountainous areas at times.  Also, watch your feet instead of
your face unless you're laying on the ground.  In the southeast you
might find a water moccasin sunning on a low lying limb just above the
water but no venomous snake in the US is capable of climbing trees.

Chuck Norcutt
Woburn, Massachusetts, USA

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