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Re: Using 400 - was: Re: [OM] What lens to carry (again)

Subject: Re: Using 400 - was: Re: [OM] What lens to carry (again)
From: HI100@xxxxxxx
Date: Sat, 5 Aug 2000 01:55:34 EDT
You wrote: 
   << Question.  If  I shoot Tri-X (or Agfapan 400 or Delta 400) at 200 to 
open up some  shadow detail, do I tell him to "pull" process it or ask him to 
 it normally?  

It seems a lot of people shoot Delta 400 at 200 ASA . 
       The Delta literature (eg. see Ilford's website: 
http://www.ilford.com/html/us_english/pdf/400_Delta.pdf) includes recommended 
development for a variety of ASA's from 200-1600 in many film developers and 
dilutions. ASA Values outside that range are given but not recomended.  
    As far as your question on shadow detail, they also have a lot of fine 
tuning information on adjusting development for different desired 
contrast.The contrast information is also given in terms of equivalent paper 
contrast grade so you can have a more gut level feel for what say a 5% 
contrast change etc means.

                 >>   Tim Hughes << 

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