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Re: [OM] Film Storage

Subject: Re: [OM] Film Storage
From: Motor Sport Visions Photography <msvphoto@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 10:32:12 -0700
In a message dated 9/21/1999 "Charles Loeven" <cpl49@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

<< And which consumer emulsion is the same as Provia and Velvia? >>

>From what I have been able to find out, there is no direct consumer
version of Velvia. The consumer version of Provia is Sensia but it is
not exactly the same (but from what I am told very close).

In my motor sports work I have shot RDP100 and more recently Provia (RDP
II) for years now. To save on the cost I purchase it mail order as it
costs less than half of what I can get it locally for. I have also used
some Astia (also no consumer version available AFAIK) with good results.

The primary reason to use "professional" film these days, I am told, is
the ability to buy in bulk with matched emulsion batches. Given the type
of work I do this doesn't matter that much but I still use it.

Mike Veglia
Motor Sport Visions Photography

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