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Re: [OM] How does it look?

Subject: Re: [OM] How does it look?
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2024 21:49:27 -0800
On 1/28/2024 10:25 AM, usher99--- via olympus wrote:
They all have their positive attributes but the TTartisans is most "organic" with enough 
sharpness to work and the modified bokeh one is my first choice.  I reluctantly say that 
as you de-bubblefied it and bubbles are the bokeh hallmark of that lens.

Indeed, but it's also an optically simple lens with less hard edged rendering 
than many contemporary lenses.

The reworked 12-200 rendition is sharper but less artistic IMO. The soft filter 
is a bit too soft for me but does work and might be a nice print.

Using tripod and same lens, only changing filter, opens the possibilities for overlaying and adjusting opacity. There are also filter options. To lower the amount of madness, I've limited myself for the moment. However, I have stronger and weaker filters, Nikon Soft 2 and Fotodiox Diffuser.

BTW, in my lengthy reply to Wayne, I hadn't found this simple example of filter and DoF. <http://www.moosemystic.net/Gallery/tech/Lenses/Soft%20Focus/Nikon%20Soft%20Focus/NikSoft1.htm>

"Organic" is an odd term for someone who had to calculate parameters to 6 
significant figures in Pchem, but that is what I think. ;-)

When I took quantitative chem, we didn't have pocket calculators or computers. 3 places 
via slide rule was it. 🙂
And yes, Organic is as useful a descriptor as any.

I wonder if the bubblfy bokeh feature in PS

You've mentioned this before. Where/what? Browsing around in PS, help, and web hasn't enlightened me.I see lots of third party bubble overlays . . .

will limit the need to carry a specific lens, but that is an experiment for 
another day.
Speak softly but not too softly, Mike

Filtered Moose

What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
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