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Re: [OM] OT: Throttled speed on ethernet extender

Subject: Re: [OM] OT: Throttled speed on ethernet extender
From: usher99--- via olympus <olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 9 Jan 2024 22:16:05 +0000 (UTC)
Cc: "usher99@xxxxxxx" <usher99@xxxxxxx>
<<Let me see if I understand. You have ethernet from the FIOS box. The coax is 
just for the TV. Yet you are connecting a Moca ethernet <<adapter (you are 
calling an extender?) to that for the purpose of ??. Because you don't want to 
run strictly on the ethernet?
I think the confusion is the Verizon "extender" that retransmits wifi with same 
network name also has Ethernet ports so acts as a Moca adapter as well.  With 
my old extender and router I curiously had not a lick of  trouble with the wifi 
speed.  If I take the vera controller and plug it right into one of the two 
ethernet ports on the "extender" the wifi speed and ethernet wired speed to the 
extender is down to 10/10.  Coax is used only because it already had been run 
from the router and I don't want to run ethernet cable in the basement and have 
to fish it  into  the cabinet. 

The Vera controller is now almost 5 years old and I think the company gave up 
on it and there are no backward compatible replacements as of yet. So if I 
confirm that the  lousy 10/100 switch with the other 4 items sans Vera has no 
issues with the new extender perhaps I can give the Vera its own path back to 
the router with this:
I will split the coax 3 ways:  1 (fios tv box, "Extender", Moca adapter for the 
pesky  Vera.If I read you correctly, that may work.  10 mbs for the Vera is 
plenty.  It has to turn a few things on and off.  Appreciate your thinking 
about this. I just pulled that solution out of the air and have little 
experience.  The weekend tech support person from Verizon clearly didn't have a 
Still poking along, Mike
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