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Re: [OM] Trouble-Bubble adapters

Subject: Re: [OM] Trouble-Bubble adapters
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2023 21:29:33 -0700
On 8/24/2023 4:05 PM, usher99--- via olympus wrote:
Simplicity Moose writes:
<<<Consider the Fotasy sans helicoid, but with angular adjustment, and Sony E mount extension 
tubes? With so many mounts, I only bother with <<<post adaptation extensions.

Good suggestion and that is an option.  I read that the macro adapters seem to 
vignette with some lenses.  I know you have a stable of oddball mounts with a myriad 
of adapters so that may be a better strategy.I don't have nearly as many oddball mounts 
as you and this would be my only M42 mount and

the adapter would live on the lens.

I need to reorganize my adapters and put in one clear box.

Cognitive dissonance, here. I have no box of adapters; they live on the lenses. If I have too few adapter for a particular mount, it's easy to find - it's on (one of) the other one(s). 😁

Extensively Adaptable Moose

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