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Re: [OM] Trouble-Bubble adapters

Subject: Re: [OM] Trouble-Bubble adapters
From: Wayne Shumaker <om3ti@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 21 Aug 2023 15:04:16 -0700
At 8/21/2023 08:44 AM, We wrote:

>On 2023-08-21 08:06, om3ti@xxxxxxxx wrote:
>>On 2023-08-20 13:50, usher99--- wrote:
>>>Little Toil, No Trouble Moose writes:
>>>I would buy the Fotasy Copper from your link. CF of 36 in. on a 100 mm lens 
>>>is pretty good; then I'd use an achromatic C-U lens for closer. The Oly iS/L 
>>>Lens A-Macro H.Q. Converter f=40cm would screw right in.
>>>Thanks for commenting.  It does have the adjustment screws and the price is 
>>>right.  The issue is the lens itself---"If you need an adapter ring to use 
>>>this lens, it is recommended to use an adapter with a centerline adjustment 
>>>100mm f2.8 Bubble Bokeh - TTArtisan
>>>Scroll down a bit.
>>>Good observation on the Oly iS/L converter--not one I have.  I have a fair 
>>>number of achromatic CU diopters but not that one.  Your stable is 
>>>Your post prompted me to do a quick calculation.  With the CF of 0.9m, would 
>>>have a max mag of about 1:7.  30mm of extension would get quite close to 
>>>1:2.  My worry with the CU diopter is it might pop the bubbles.  My 
>>>experience has been the CU diopter seems to really smooth out bokeh, at 
>>>least in general.  Fotodiox seems to have a helicoid macro adapter, but it 
>>>is half the cost of the lens.  Also, not sure it is "adjustable", but it 
>>>does have screws.  The lens seems to be out of stock for at least a month.  
>>>It is pretty soft wide with very "bad" corners open but then that is not the 
>>>really the point.
>>>Still toiling, Mike
>>I have the Fotodiox adapter for Sony E and the macro extension is more than 
>>most. Probably my most used adapter. The Vello seems almost identical and I 
>>often wonder if made by the same factory. I have never had an issue with the 
>>scales not being on top.
>>Pre-order lens now at 
>>Does not show a lens hood with the lens, 49mm.
>https://www.kentfaith.com/sone-nex-e-mount-adapter?filter=175 [1]
>These seems to have the adjustment capability. They just don't have a 
>helicoid, which I consider essential. Most of my alt lens photos are not taken 
>at infinity.

Fixed link above

also Simon's utak comparison



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