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Re: [OM] Tamron 31A Lens

Subject: Re: [OM] Tamron 31A Lens
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 5 Jul 2024 16:27:14 -0700
On 7/5/2024 7:06 AM, Chris Trask wrote:
After months of patient searching, I finally have a Tamron 31A 200-500/5.6 lens. This 
beast is huge, being 15" long and 4" in diameter plus weighing in at six 
pounds. I'd looked at countless offerings of this, the majority being damaged or too 
expensive. I got this cherry from Roberts Camera on evilBay for a mere $200.

Memory rings a bell. But no, what I had was a Tokina 150-500/5.6. A similar beast. The tricky thing was the tripod mount. I finally worked out why they were so rare. They actually flexed a little, a big deal @ 500 mm, so people twisted the locking mech harder and harder, which broke the mount. I was, for once, clever, and investigated the slight flex before breaking anything.

I had some fun with it, but not that many really good shots. As with the OM 600/6.5 and 1000/11 mm lenses, vibration control is tough, esp with available film speeds and OM bodies. Recalling Gary's lens tests and list threads last century, I was impressed with the IQ of a 600 on a mirrorless body with EFC and remote release. Quite sharp!

I know some of my troubles with the Tokina were vibration related. The other thing about loooong lenses is air movement. on a moderately warm day, even 60 feet can have visible blurring.

Sold on ages ago. My Oly 100-400/5.0-6.3, with MC14 teleconverter gives me FF eq of 280-1120 mm. With higher isos and powerful IS, I get a lot better results than I ever managed with the 150-500 and film. Still gotta deal with the atmosphere. OTOH, it may be used to artistic advantage. <http://galleries.moosemystic.net/MooseFoto/index.php?gallery=Alt_Dot_Moose&image=_A140105rotfp.jpg>

Carrying it around will be fun.

Oh, yes, Thanks for reminding me! I'll feel better about my big and heavy, but 
not *that* big and heavy, Oly 100-400.

There is no padded carrying case readily available, but I managed to find a 
padded tripod case that will suffice after I add some bubble wrap for extra 
cushioning. Plus add a UV filter and a centre pinch lens cap, plus a Mobilgrip 
handle to attach to the tripod mount..

Now I can go out to the riparian areas and fit in with the other bird watchers 
without suffering from lens envy.

On Oly 4/3 bodies? Lots 'o reach. IBIS better than with film, though not up to 

When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro
- Hunter S. Thompson

This gives me a laugh almost every day. <https://topdogcustom.com/cdn/shop/products/257a774205b4873b5c145a173de907a17871fa277ffcf238be305864467e8750.jpg?v=1694196004&width=533>

Long Moose

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