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[OM] Tamron 31A Lens

Subject: [OM] Tamron 31A Lens
From: Chris Trask <christrask@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 05 Jul 2024 14:06:54 +0000
After months of patient searching, I finally have a Tamron 31A 200-500/5.6 
lens. This beast is huge, being 15" long and 4" in diameter plus weighing in at 
six pounds. I'd looked at countless offerings of this, the majority being 
damaged or too expensive. I got this cherry from Roberts Camera on evilBay for 
a mere $200.

Carrying it around will be fun. There is no padded carrying case readily 
available, but I managed to find a padded tripod case that will suffice after I 
add some bubble wrap for extra cushioning. Plus add a UV filter and a centre 
pinch lens cap, plus a Mobilgrip handle to attach to the tripod mount..

Now I can go out to the riparian areas and fit in with the other bird watchers 
without suffering from lens envy.


When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro
- Hunter S. Thompson

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