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Re: [OM] Spiral optics

Subject: Re: [OM] Spiral optics
From: MICHAEL GORDON via olympus <olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 17 Feb 2024 16:57:06 -0500
Cc: MICHAEL GORDON <usher99@xxxxxxx>
  Wayne writes:
Very interesting Mike, I wonder if you could stack a lens like that in front of 
a normal camera lens (much like a screw in filter) to achieve the extended DOF?

I would hypothesize that focus stacking would be very much better.  In most 
people there is very prompt neuro adaptation so that the oof rays are ignored 
with the exception of modest dysphotopsias and what I would call “veiling 
flare.”  The neuro “post processing engine” is pretty good at getting the most 
out of the data.  The retina helps a bit too by not using the very oblique rays 
(and often aberrated) as much (Stiles Crawford effect).  This won’t happen in a 
Very interesting approach for contact lenses though and probably IOL’s. 

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