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[OM] Trouble-Bubble adapters

Subject: [OM] Trouble-Bubble adapters
From: usher99--- via olympus <olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2023 21:33:15 +0000 (UTC)
Cc: "usher99@xxxxxxx" <usher99@xxxxxxx>
I read on the TTartisans website that the 100/2.8 lens does not usually mount 
with aperture dial on top.  They recommend an "adjustable" adapter---I see a 
few variants have screws to do so.  The adjustment has no performance 
consequence but may make the ergonomics better.
That one has the screes but build quality looks marginal.  I think K&F adapter 
has the screws.  The macro adapters that add a bit of extension seem like a 
good idea too as it may make an interesting macro lens.TTartisans looks like a 
quirky company.  They sell a 2:1 tilt-shift macro lens!  Too bad it is finicky 
(in the reviews) unlike the buttery smooth Mirex T-S adapters. 
The usual higher quality ones don't seem adjustable.  Suggestions? Still 
Cauldron not yet bubbling, Mike
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