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Re: [OM] [Leica] Jim Nichols is gone

Subject: Re: [OM] [Leica] Jim Nichols is gone
From: marc simon <marc.simon@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 2021 10:17:07 +0100 (CET)
C.H.Ling wrote:

"It is very sad indeed, I didn't comment much but I read all his posts. I'm still keeping lots of this posts amount the 20K+ from OM mailing list. I believe his works will still be with us in the cyberspace for a long long time. "

very sad news indeed...I don't comment often either but I was always interested by his pictures and fascinated by his interest on a lot of subjects. His regards on all sorts of "flying things" was very special. It was a member of "our family" I'll never met but which I felt familiar with...I'ts gone now but Jim's pictures will stay with us for a moment...

marc simon
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