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Re: [OM] [Leica] Jim Nichols is gone

Subject: Re: [OM] [Leica] Jim Nichols is gone
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2021 11:42:42 -0800
OH, sad indeed.

Just last night, I was wondering about him, as he hadn't posted in a few days. Then this morning, I was idly thinking of searching the web for obits in his town.

I've often thought we could drop by to see him in person when we travel cross country in our Turtle. Another thing missed to blame on Covid.

Jim was a minor hero of mine. When his wife died, instead of going down a dark hole, he found things, esp. photography, to keep him involved in life*. And continued to get better at it right until the end.

Ave Jim!

Saddened Moose

* It seemed to me that Walt just gave up when his wife suddenly died.

On 11/15/2021 11:09 AM, Philippe wrote:
Jim, a dear years’ long friend has joined his missed wife. And will rejoin Ted, 
Steve and other late photogs on our list.

His departing comes as a surprise to me, since he posted recently, and didn’t 
signal any specific trouble.

Jim will remain in my mind another example to follow, never complain, make the 
most of it while we can, and share the beauties of life with your kin.

He was so proud of his well-deserved off-spring - fond memories of his family 
photos here.

Jim, as a Leica or / and Oly user will remain deep in my thoughts. Even more as 
a straight fine gentleman.

RIP, sure enough, but it RIP enough …



Le 15 nov. 2021 à 19:24, Brian Reid <reid@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> a écrit :

I just got this very sad message from Jim Nichols' son Rick.

-------- Original Message --------

                Jim Nichols passing

                2021-11-15 10:18

                James Nichols <jamesrnichols@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>


My father, Jim Nichols (OldNick), passed away Monday, Nov. 8, 2021.  He always 
enjoyed your Leica group.

Could you remove him from the Leica mailing list?

Could you keep his photo web page active so family and friends can enjoy his 

Rick Nichols

Leica Users Group.
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