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Re: [OM] IMG: Best of Session

Subject: Re: [OM] IMG: Best of Session
From: Willie Wonka via olympus <olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 2021 01:25:01 +0000 (UTC)
Cc: Willie Wonka <alienspecimen@xxxxxxxxx>

There are number of us, but mostly me that would like to know what your secret 
path to better photography is.
Believe it or not, compared to a lot of us, you are a newcomer to this list and 
it has been fascinating watching you grow as a photographer. As soon as you 
signed up you became one of the most prolific posters of pictures. You were 
very good, but not great. Now you have became an inspiration. Seriously, as of 
lately I have seen tons of pictures of yours that made me say to myself "I do 
not have the skills to create this".
Some of us (read mostly me) would like to get better at this and could use some 
guidance. Did you enroll in any courses, what materials did you use? Or was it 
like Bob Withmire who kinda came to us like you did, a lot of talent and 
learned the little things that also matter from this list (note I did not 
include myself)? 
Thanks in advance.
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