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Re: [OM] DxO PhotoLab 4 DeepPrime Noise Reduction vs Topaz DeNoise AI

Subject: Re: [OM] DxO PhotoLab 4 DeepPrime Noise Reduction vs Topaz DeNoise AI
From: Jim Nichols <jhnichols@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2020 00:16:58 -0500
Moose, is it just me?  I'm getting no reaction from the rollover boxes.

On 10/26/20 11:33 PM, Moose wrote:
On 10/23/2020 8:28 PM, Mike Lazzari wrote:

As a heavy user of NR programs, I am painfully aware how much results vary depending on camera, ISO, subject and so on.

Pre Topaz AI, I tested the prior DxO Prime against NeatImage v8 on an image and NI whupped DxO. Not long after, I tried an image I was having trouble with in NI with DxO, and that fixed it.

I've had an image the TAINR just didn't seem to have the right combo for that came out right with NI.

Now with three different modes - and - a four way comparison preview available, TAINR is pretty terrific to use and find the right tool and settings. That's a big improvement in the latest versions.

Only about 0.3% of my shots over the last several years have been above ISO 3200. OTOH, one my my greatest uses of TAINR is at base ISO. For whatever reason, the default mode, with settings of 21, 1, 10, acts as a magic "sharpener", pulling out clear detail in a range from excellent to spectacular.

I don't know how or why, but as Empiricist, I just know it does.

Just to give an idea, here is a GX9, ISO 500 photo, processed using the three different Denoise Modes. <http://www.moosemystic.net/Gallery/tech/Process/Topaz%20AI/TopazDenoise%20modes/TopazNRAI.htm>

All of them do a good job of whacking the noise in the separators. All increase the clarity of fine detail - all with sharpening set to the minimum, one or zero. A couple add a bit of artifacty edginess to high contrast edges, such as eyes. And look at what Clear does for the red and blue clothing!

And these are only one example from each Mode, many others are possible. Perhaps you can see why I consider Denoise AI to be more than just a noise reducer.

So, the most I can say from this simple example review is that DxO PhotoLab 4 DeepPrime Noise Reduction may merit a tie for NR alone, but is very unlikely to be a full replacement for Topaz Denoise AI.

N. R. Moose

Jim Nichols
Tullahoma, TN USA

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