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Re: [OM] FB ZA [was TEST]

Subject: Re: [OM] FB ZA [was TEST]
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 29 May 2020 16:18:28 -0700
On 5/29/2020 3:54 PM, Ken Norton wrote:
Ooooh, sort of like the bad times part. "How does the 50/1.8 compare to the 
50/1.4?" Who's going to write the 5,000 word
I'll be good for one or two of them.

Nice that one may attach pix. Familiar to have Jan promoting and dissing 
various things with great fervor. :-)
So, when are you going to show your fur-masked face?

I only signed up a couple of hours ago. :-)

I doubt if anyone there wants to hear that I have OMZ 135/4.5 on Auto Tube, 60/2.8 µ4/3 macro, have used both extensively - and now do virtually all the shooting they would be for with a PLeica 12-60, sometimes with achromatic C-U lens? Sounds blasphemous to me.

I may be too empirical and not zealous enough for that crowd of true believers.

I might say something about the glories of the 20/2 and 38/2.8 macros on A7 
bodies. That should drive up prices. ;-)

It's About the Image Moose

What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
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