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Re: [OM] OM date codes, factories?

Subject: Re: [OM] OM date codes, factories?
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 6 Mar 2019 14:50:14 -0800
On 3/6/2019 8:19 AM, Jan Steinman wrote:
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>>

This may help. 
Thanks. That’s what I used for figuring out the last two characters, but unless I 
missed something in there, it doesn’t go into the first two characters, which are 
supposed to be factory codes.

". . . I think it is safe to think that "TNxx" stands for Tatsuno . . . From the similar phonetics, it might be that OK stands for the Okaya-shi plant; NI for Nishigo-mura plant; SA for Sakaki plant."

Perhaps ALL the camera lenses were made in just one or two factories,

This fellow found five different codes on his OM lenses. I note four overlaps, same lens model, different factory on casual scanning:

TNxx: lenses 8/2.8, 21/2, 21/3.5, 24/3.5sh, 28/2.8, 35/2, 35/2.8,
35/2.8sh, 50/1.4, 85/2, 100/2, 100/2.8, 180/2.8, 200/4, 300/4.5,
350/2.8, 500/8, 35-70/3.6, 35-70/4, 35-70/4 AF, 35-80/2.8, 50-250/5,
65-200/4, 20/2 Macro, 38/2.8 Macro, 50/2 Macro, 50/3.5 Macro, 90/2
Macro, 135/4.5 Macro, 1.4X-A, 2X-A; cameras: OM-4, OM-4T/Ti

SAxx: lenses only, 24/2.8, 28/2.8, 50/1.8, 35-70/3.5-4.5, 35-70/4,
65-200/4, 50/3.5 Macro

SKxx: 300/4.5

NIxx: 40/2, 35-105/3.5-4.5

IOxx: 1.4X-A

and they used the same date code system on their microscopes and medical 
equipment, too.

That indeed seems likely, and would explain why only a few of their many 
factories show up in lens codes.

Paying Attention Moose

What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
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