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Re: [OM] IMGS: Summerfest

Subject: Re: [OM] IMGS: Summerfest
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 26 Aug 2018 14:52:51 -0700
On 8/25/2018 3:28 PM, Tina Manley wrote:

We spent an hour at the annual Summerfest in York this morning, with its
usual selection of old cars and health foods:


and next until the end.

Can't say the Dream Truck is anywhere near my dream. :-)  I'll bet I could find 
something to eat - with care.

The flutterby is nice.

But the shot o' the day for me is this crop. <http://www.moosemystic.net/Gallery/Others/Manley/168024397.JOtI8R32.180825_03055Editcra.jpg>

Not so hot looking, technically, cropped so much from a web JPEG, but I'll bet 
a great version could be done.

The street preacher was preaching about young
girls running around in short-shorts with their hinnies hanging out.  I
should have recorded the sound!

It was too hot to hang around very long and the grease was overpowering!

Doesn't look like my kind of 'scene'.

No Fair Moose

What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
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