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Re: [OM] DxO tits up ??

Subject: Re: [OM] DxO tits up ??
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2018 16:49:11 -0700
On 4/23/2018 4:09 PM, Mike Gordon via olympus wrote:
<<I do hope if they fold that the lens profiles are picked up by someone else 
<<kept up to date

Most disconcerting.  I second the Moose's motion.  The  DXO one camera business 
did seem rather cockamamie and perhaps led to losses

Oh yeah, I forgot about that - which may say a lot about what a poor idea it was. I couldn't see the point. I imagine Oly's Air-01 hasn't been a big success, nor do I imagine they expected it to be. But it makes a lot more sense to me. Larger sensor, and, much more importantly on such small cameras, Panny OIS lenses work on it. And - more than one FL. The 12-32 is a perfect fit. The 35-100 is good, too.

--certainly the tech support suffered.  DXOMark may be set on their own--not 
good to lose the coding/optics expertise.

DXOMark has never made much sense to me. Where I know cameras and lenses, their ratings often don't agree with my experience. Thus, I take their ratings of others with grains of salt.

De X o De O (de o do) Moose

What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
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