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Re: [OM] Oddball solution to reduce long exposure noise

Subject: Re: [OM] Oddball solution to reduce long exposure noise
From: Mike Gordon via olympus <olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2017 19:46:55 -0500
Cc: usher99@xxxxxxx
...Wayne writes:

<<Do you think something like a heavy block of metal screwed to the camera via
<<the tripod thread would work to keep the electronics cool ?  You could
<<always keep it in the fridge for a while prior to use.

The battery business adding to noise is hearsay, but from a good source.  There 
should be a more elegant engineering solution but that does 
not appear to be  Sonnie's style.  The A7R sensor is intrinsically much less 
noisy --something to do with BSI structure on later models perhaps. One would 
have though thermoelectric cooling  (Peltier) for that scenario could have been 
or some other cooling feature.  They did not even bother to add lossless 
compressed raw 
or fix the star eater issue which should have been a piece of cake and a few 
lines of code in the firmware.   The weather sealing on a teardown of the OM  
A7RIII is at least there, but not very robust.
IMO, still by far the best digital back for Zuikos for many purposes.  It is a 
dust magnet too  and now spoiled  by E-M1 Mk11 which is just the opposite.

Not really a Sonnie fan, Mike
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