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[OM] Falling Water Creek

Subject: [OM] Falling Water Creek
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 10 Sep 2017 20:44:32 -0800
Falling Water Creek


Olympus E-1 with OM Zuiko 24/2.8 lens. ISO 100, F5.6 and 1/1/5 second.

The fall colors have arrived. Started turning two days ago and they'll
probably be done in two days. Yes, this really is the E-1 that has
emerged from the shadows for a picture or two. I also shot the same
identical pictures with the 6D and OM Zuiko 50/1.4 lens. I can make
the pictures nearly identical, but it's a whole lot more work getting
there with the 6D as you need a guide picture from the E-1 to figure
out what is possible.

Ken Norton
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