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Re: [OM] IMG: Another Way to Snap a Butterfly

Subject: Re: [OM] IMG: Another Way to Snap a Butterfly
From: ChrisB <ftog@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2016 05:57:04 +0100
I don’t have the patience to use adapters on my Fujis, Jim, whereas you do and 
you use them to great effect.  I have tried both a 50/1.4 and 135/2.8 on my 
X-Pro1 and I dislike the extra bulk of the ensemble.  I have been tempted by 
the X-Pro2, and there have been a couple going secondhand (£1,000 and £1,200) 
on the FujiX forum (in the UK, at least), but I reckon that I should do a 
better job with my current kit before “needing” to upgrade.

You are not in the same boat; you have done a great job with your X-E1 and I 
think that you would benefit from the upgrade: a better viewfinder and better 
balance between body and lens combination as well as more dots in the same 


> On 19 Jul 16, at 00:24, Jim Nichols <jhnichols@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Thanks for the details, Moose.  As I have noted recently, I am seriously 
> considering ordering the new Fuji X-Pro2, at 24MP.  I am currently trying to 
> line up a good quality M42 adapter that will allow me to use my Takumar 
> lenses with the Fujis.  Therein lies a dilemma.  Thread mount lenses are at 
> the mercy of where the thread bottoms out, which can leave the lens markings 
> at various clockwise locations.  To provide some adjustment, Fotodiox, my 
> preferred manufacturer, uses rim set-screws which allow the inner ring to be 
> rotated and reclamped.  The first adapter I purchased was M42 to Oly 4/3, and 
> it felt loose with a heavy lens.  My brute force correction involved 
> superglue, which solved the looseness, but had enough thickness to prevent 
> infinity focus.  Sanding the adapter face with extremely fine emery paper 
> provided the proper thickness, but, when tightened up, the lens markings are 
> on the side.  Some adapters for M42 won't work with Takumars because of the 
> stop-down pin.  So, I have some inquiries out on a proper solution.
> Sorry to ramble on.  But, you are correct.  The extra MPs are quite useful, 
> and not just for bragging rights.

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