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Re: [OM] IMGs: Phog Photos Phrom Phoenix

Subject: Re: [OM] IMGs: Phog Photos Phrom Phoenix
From: "philippe.amard" <philippe.amard@xxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 1 Feb 2015 19:06:51 +0100
Eeery :-)

Now, this hardly qualifies as fog by my region's standards, where as stated by others, you sometimes wonder if your house is still in the same place when opening the shutters/blinds in the morning, sort of, OMG they've stolen the garden ;-)

Also means that Tuscon is NOT THAT dry ;-)

Philippe, just back from a 100 miles' (downhill?) ride on black ice and snow ...

Le 1 févr. 15 à 16:28, Chris Trask a écrit :

We rarely see fog here in the Phoenix area, the last time being about five years ago. After three days of light rain, cold temperatures, and no wind, fog was inevitable. It wasn't very dense before dawn, but it increased in density as the atmosphere warmed up, meaning that the pre-dawn air temperature must have been just below the dew point. Here are a few photos taken near the coffee shop that I frequent, right at the peak of the density:




We like to call this "Crawling Eye Weather", referring to the 1950's sci-fi horror flick "The Crawling Eye" that starred Forrest Tucker and a couple of Canberra bombers.


When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro
    - Hunter S. Thompson
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