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Re: [OM] And now a Lightroom question

Subject: Re: [OM] And now a Lightroom question
From: Chuck Norcutt <chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 11:53:15 -0500
I just did it.  I have no idea what's in what I downloaded and installed.

Chuck Norcutt

On 12/3/2014 8:45 AM, Chuck Norcutt wrote:
When it was first announced the emails I received at least implied that
I had a very limited time to sign up to ensure the $9.95 price.  That
time period passed long ago and I still get an email about once/week
urging me to sign up for that price.  But I think I'll do it soon.

Chuck Norcutt

On 12/2/2014 8:29 PM, Ken Norton wrote:
I vowed that I wasn't going to go the subscription route but am very
to doing just that.  There's nothing pressing me to do it (like an
ACR that
doesn't recognize my raw files) but I think I'm ultimately missing
incremental changes to the products.

Adobe really screwed the existing customers big-time with the
subscription service, but for those of us who avoided the treadmill,
it's fantastic. $10 per month and I constantly have the
latest/greatest version of Photoshop and Lightroom. Of course, it
remains to be seen what they'll do for year-2, but I suspect that
there will be ongoing deals to address that. If not, then adios.

Thanks for reminding me, I've got 5.7 to download....

953 MB. Dudes!


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