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[OM] Fuji X-Pro

Subject: [OM] Fuji X-Pro
From: Tina Manley <tmanley@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 18:44:33 -0400

After all of my grousing about the Fuji X-Pro, I ended up ordering a new
lens for it which I got today.  I needed a long lens that I could hand-hold
for an upcoming assignment.  I took the Leica 200/2.8 on my  last trip but
that thing is humongous and there is no way I could hand-hold it.  I also
took the 100 Macro which works fine on the M240 but I wanted to use it with
a 2X extender and, for some reason, I couldn't get it to mount on either
the 2 or 1.4 extenders.  So I ordered the Fuji 55-200/3.5-4.8.  I just
started playing with it but it looks like it might be better than I
expected.  Here are three examples from this afternoon:




The lens has Image Stabilization which seems to work pretty well since that
last one was shot at 1/13 of a second, hand-held!

I know I need to practice some with focusing (which seems to snap in pretty
fast) and exposures at 200 which is really 300.  I'll be shooting some more
tomorrow.  Suggestions are welcome!

C&C greatly appreciated.

Tina Manley
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