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Re: [OM] OT tablet question

Subject: Re: [OM] OT tablet question
From: Bob Whitmire <bwhitmire@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 4 Apr 2014 08:06:12 -0400
A cogent, reasonable and well written exposition. Thank you.

Now, for an iMystery. Joan and I have iPhones. My son Duncan and his wife Shiva 
have iPhones. We are having a lot of trouble with texting among our devices. 
Shiva gets Joan’s texts. Joan does not get either Shiva’s texts or replies. 
Duncan gets Joan’s texts. Joan does not get her replies. A few days ago, when 
we were all in the same room, I had Duncan call Joan, and her phone did not 
ring. We then did a reboot on her phone, and the next call came through, but 
texts did not.

A while back, Duncan and I had trouble with our texts. He would get mine, I 
would not get his. That seems to somehow have resolved itself though no actions 
on our own (that we are aware of). Except:

Both Joan and I have not received original texts from both of them. I didn’t 
know, and was about to castigate the kids for not occasionally passing along 
happy-snappies of the baby. Turns out they _have_ been passing along happy 
snappies of the baby, but we have not been receiving them.

I am at a loss, though I am beginning to suspect it might have something to do 
with iMessaging, and settings in our phones.

--Bob Whitmire
Certified Neanderthal

On Apr 3, 2014, at 4:47 PM, Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Wow, the thread that ate the list!
> I've plowed through it all to now, and have some randomish comments from our 
> experience here.
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