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Re: [OM] Prepare for a bunch of new photos...

Subject: Re: [OM] Prepare for a bunch of new photos...
From: Paul Braun <pbraun42@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 14:10:06 -0600
On Fri, Nov 15, 2013 at 12:29 PM, Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> > You must have a reputation, Paul.  Well done, and have fun :-)
> Agreed.
> But this particular "industry" that Paul is in is very small and tight
> knit*. It also helps that Paul is a "giver", not a "taker". The
> selfless types suffer from short-term pain, but long-term gain. It's
> nice to see him getting rewarded. To the musicians and managers, ALL
> tech people are slime of the earth, but among the tech people, they
> know who is who.
> * It's a small industry given that there are many, many, many people
> involved in it, but the vast majority are either short-timers or very
> closed off from the core. The core itself is tight. Paul is probably
> one of the best "journeymen" around in that he knows how to play the
> game and knows his place within the hierarchy, but absolutely loves
> music. It's not "just a job" for him. He's passionate about it and it
> shows.
Awww.  Now I'm blushing.  Thanks, Ken.

It's a matter of who you know.  I was introduced to Carl (producer) by my
friend Jimi, and I was introduced to Jimi by my friend Jim Peterik, and I
was introduced to Peterik by my friend Tom, and I was introduced to Tom by
virtue of having started a concert series back in 2000.

Carl and I hit it off right away, he liked me, and asked if I'd like to be
part of this thing.  He and I have talked on the phone, and we're actually
in the planning stages of a special solo album for our friend Jimi, and we
have the music in common.  Carl is a producer at Royal Studios in Memphis,
where Al Green recorded all of this albums.

Ken is correct - the music industry is very tight-knit.  I've been
extremely fortunate to be invited into Peterik's inner circle, which isn't
something I asked for, but just grew organically as we became friends and
he learned that he could trust me to be honest and to keep secrets when
they needed to be kept.  The perks have been surreal at times, and I've
gotten to hang out (and at times have dinner with) people that I had seen
from the other end of an arena when I was younger.  I've also been very
fortunate that people in JP's orbit tend to be positive and friendly and
welcoming.  They have to be - they don't last long if they aren't.

Paul Braun
Certified Music Junkie

"Music washes from the soul the dust of everyday life." -- Harlan Howard
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