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Re: [OM] More New Camera Technology

Subject: Re: [OM] More New Camera Technology
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 07:32:23 -0600
> With iPhones costing around $1,000 ? (haven't checked lately) I have better
> use for money than what.Ken does. My $50 Motorola Rugged handles the 1
> - 2 texts a day on a busy day, that I get and recharge it once a week. !!!

First of all, I wouldn't bother with iPhones. The Android ecosystem
is, frankly, much better. $1000? I don't know what the Kiwi dollar is
like right now, but that seems awefully high. You should be able to
get a smartphone for no cost, provided that you sign a contract.

As to choosing what to use money for, well, at this time in our lives,
we're mostly focused on providing the best possible home for two
teenage daughters that we can. We're not buying real estate. ;)

> Then there is THIS aspect of iPhones...

Well, yes. But it gets worse. Have you checked your privacy settings
in Facebook THIS WEEK? Just because you set them to your desired
settings previously doesn't mean anything. They've settled down a bit
this past year, but still, you've got to watch your settings like a

BTW, there are three ways that smartphones determine location: Tower
triangulation, Wifi hotspots, and GPS. Two of the three are very easy
to defeat in an Android phone (nearly impossible in an iPhone), and
the triangulation is only used in emergencies and in order to work,
you've got to be in the coverage area of two or more antennas. Without
the triangulation, the location is determined by the serving tower
only and is accurate to the location of that tower.

Ken Norton
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