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[OM] Thank you: big_is OM to micro4/3 adaptor

Subject: [OM] Thank you: big_is OM to micro4/3 adaptor
From: Brian Gray <bsg017@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 23 Feb 2013 15:53:35 +0000
   I think it was Chuck drew  our attention to the big-is adaptor and I
   want to say thank you.  When used to attach the Zuiko 500mm reflex to
   the OMD-EM5, it certainly makes the camera seem small and light and I
   feel a need to make sure the whole lens weight does not fall on the
   adaptor.  But it certainly seems to make a powerful combination without
   such a need for strong lighting and/or a tripod as when using the lens
   with my OM2SP.
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