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[OM] Tamron SP lens

Subject: [OM] Tamron SP lens
From: usher99@xxxxxxx
Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2013 19:11:14 -0500 (EST)
Looks like a very good deal but I always wondered if the adaptall site 
wasn't a tad
deferential to the Tam SP's. I really like the rendition of the VivS1 
90-180 macro. The resolution numbers are given at a long focusing 
distance and thus not as useful--clearly both optimized for minimizing 
aberrations for closer focusing. The VivS1 also has more contrast and 
better at the long end. It is a big bruiser though
and indeed some LoCA and tendency to flare. As mentioned before the 
lens is highly complex and the lens coatings at the time impart a bit 
of complex color cast. The bokeh of the VivS1 is very very smooth 
(never have seen a zoom like that before) --even smoother than the 
"cream machine" Cosina Voigtländer SL APO-Lanthar 180mm f/4. The latter 
is tack sharp wide open and I can put it in my pocket. I have never 
seen comparative images with the Tam SP 70-210 f3.5-4
and the VivS1 90-180. I suspect that would be next to impossible to 
find.  Still have never seen the VivS1 go for cheap.

  I think there is a later version of hte lens that was better at 
infinity bu t eliminated the close focusing feature.

Viv S1 90-180 macro fan, Mike
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