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Re: [OM] OM-D gets prize

Subject: Re: [OM] OM-D gets prize
From: SwissPace <ian@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 03 Jan 2013 22:20:00 +0100
I have been using the family E-M5 a bit recently and it is no doubt a 
fine camera, but having taken 10000 images now with the X-Pro1 in 6 
months - about twice as many as my previous average, I still think its 
much less of an intrusion to my method of photography. So no guessing as 
to which camera I think should be in first place ;-)

To be fair to the E-M5 I have only taken around 800 images so I don't 
know it as well but then I have no interest in doing so such as it makes 
a funny noise when not in movie mode a bit like a mic picking up noise 
which I think now to be IS working but I find the menu system too 
complex to bother trying to understand it.

I am looking forward to seeing all the E-M5 images though that will now 
be posted :-)  I will add my own images when I get around to catching up 
with the backlog.

A belated Happy New Year to you all.


On 1/3/13 9:30 PM, Moose wrote:
> As Mike discusses at some length in his award post, the whole business is 
> silly. Then he goes ahead and makes an award. :-)
>> I think the EM-5 deserves its first place.
> My personal first place goes to the E-M5.

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