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Re: [OM] Northern Flicker

Subject: Re: [OM] Northern Flicker
From: Paul Laughlin <pelaughlin@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 05 Jul 2012 12:36:22 -0700
Thanks, Rick.  Actually, he was very busy.  Pecking around in those 
grooves in the walk.  I was shooting in bursts at 5 frames per sec, and 
managed to salvage 5 or 6 out of 46 frames.
The camera is set up on a tripod at a window, on an AC adapter so that I 
can leave it turned on all the time.  In manual focus and prefocused on 
a strategic spot so that I can fire with the remote shutter release.  
For the Flicker, I saw him land on the walk and went to the camera, 
switched to AF, full zoom aimed and started shooting bursts.  There is 
no way I can get that kind of shot shooting single shots. LOL  The birds 
just keep moving around and so quick.
Paul in Portland OR

On 7/5/2012 8:04 AM, Rick Beckrich wrote:
> What civilized birds you have, Paul... strutting down the sidewalk like
> that.
> Ours usually sneak off into the woods at the first sign of motion.
> Great capture!

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