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Re: [OM] Panasonic to Bankroll Olympus

Subject: Re: [OM] Panasonic to Bankroll Olympus
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2012 17:07:16 -0500
> I guess the cycle is repeating, the gap in quality between most photographs
> and the few is widening again, returning to
> when the masses took generally awful pics with the likes of Instamatics and
> those with serious equipment and results are
> few.

Why else do you think Mark Z spent a billion dollars buying Instagram?
You need Instagram to make those nasty pictures look nasty and cool.

Honestly, I don't think there is anything new to all this. I've seen
more DRebels with smeared, dirty and fingerprinted lenses than I care
to see. The grunge is just horrible. But the users are oblivioius.
Back in 1989 when I was working photo retail, the average AE-1 that
came into the shop looked just like that too. The brand-x lenses
(always brand-x to save a few bucks) had a cheep glass "skylight"
filter on it that you couldn't even see through. (Don't mean to pick
on Canon users, because they weren't alone--it's just that Canon did
seem to be the most successful company at promoting their SLR products
to the masses).

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