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Re: [OM] WTB Grip for OM-3,3Ti,4,4T,4Ti

Subject: Re: [OM] WTB Grip for OM-3,3Ti,4,4T,4Ti
From: "Brian Swale" <bj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 07 Jan 2012 01:37:56 +1300
I found both ESif sites, AND I have  one of the large published Sales 
Information files, and in none of these can I find an image of the little hand-
grip. I also have the printed lens handbook.

Could somebody please post one? 

To respond to Ralf, I guess it's a case of ( YMMV ) or your mileage may 

In other words, different people, different needs. I've been using winders I 
bought cheaply (and last time I tried they still worked) as good camera 
handles only, for at least ten years. Works for me.

My hands are large by some standards, and I have long fingers. The naked 
OM body is just a bit too small to hold..In fact I am not alone in this; I have 
over the years asked a few people why they didn't use OM bodies, and their 
answer was that they are too small to hold.

Also, and especially over the last  6 months, my arms are quite thin. There's 
not too much mass there to hold a light camera steady or to provide mass or 
damping. . 

Quite different from some of my friends who have forearms like prize 
Christmas hams.

Perhaps that's one set of reasons I like the E-3. It's heavy (has its own 
mass), fits my hand well, and doesn't have much vibration. In addition it has 
a good IS system.  I suspect the E-1 has less vibration.
These E- bodies also feel just like my winder-equipped OM bodies, in the 

But I'd like a pic of one of those little grips.

Brian Swale.
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