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Re: [OM] (OM) E-3 going for a song - maybe (was)

Subject: Re: [OM] (OM) E-3 going for a song - maybe (was)
From: "Piers Hemy" <piers@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 27 May 2011 11:58:13 +0100
I wouldn't say it was a bad experience, Brian, it was quite fun because they
were so obviously completely in the wrong. 

After all, it was only NZ$10 at stake.

Oh, and a PRINCIPLE!


PS David Carter helped out by bidding for me - thanks again David.

-----Original Message-----
From: Brian Swale [mailto:bj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: 27 May 2011 11:48
To: olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [OM] (OM) E-3 going for a song - maybe (was)

Piers wrote
> I remonstrated, they prevaricated, they referred me to their 
> then-current T&Cs which allowed them to do it, I reminded them of 
> their T&Cs when I had joined which did not. And I suggested they seek 
> legal advice. They paid up, in full.
> I wouldn't touch TradeMe with a bargepole, even if I were in NZ or Aus.
I'm sorry you had a bad experience with them. They do seem to be rather
naïve when it comes to dealing with people outside NZ/Aust. I wonder if they
have fears about or are trying to discourage people from using eBay.

I have no fears about Trademe; this week I have bought 5 very nice books
about roses through them, each virtually for a song and much cheaper than I
could have got them through www.bookfinder.com which I also use. I have done
about 140 deals one way or another there. I have also used ebay in the past,
but probably not much again as (believe it or not) I don't want much of what
they offer.

Brian Swale. 
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