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Re: [OM] G3 out--?GH2 killer and IQ

Subject: Re: [OM] G3 out--?GH2 killer and IQ
From: Andrew Fildes <afildes@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 13 May 2011 10:03:45 +1000
That's really extending optics. 'Folding' suggests 'folded path' optics like 
the flat pack cameras (Oly 'Tough' Panny FT) which have a periscope style lens 
arrangement. There was also one that slipped elements in from the side when the 
lens erected - can't remember which.
And on the subject of flat pack waterproofs, I'm not sure if I posted this pic.
This is one of the pre-eminent pro photogs and publishers in Australia, 
discovering how to quick clean the lens on a waterproof while in a jet boat.
Not recommended for other equipment and circumstances. Or stuff that you 
actually own.
Andrew Fildes

On 13/05/2011, at 9:02 AM, usher99@xxxxxxx wrote:

> Battery reduced in size and capacity  (smallest yet) to match the form 
> factor and no folding optics like the  Oly "kit" lens.

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