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Re: [OM] OT age segregation

Subject: Re: [OM] OT age segregation
From: "Jeff Keller" <om-list@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 15 Apr 2011 18:39:30 -0700
Thank you Boris,

I hope your wife's recent health issues are completely and pemanently

My father died two years ago in my parents home after spending about a year
in a wheel chair. He had a family member with him (mostly my mother) 24
hours a day, almost every day for over a year. Be sure your plans can
accommodate a wheel chair. A typical home in California has a door which is
too small for a wheel chair.

Perhaps either your parents or your wife's parents will be cared for by
another family member. If both rely on you, your plans may require major
changes. In addition, having at least one care giver home every hour of the
day can be challenging.

Again thank you,
Jeff Keller

-----Original Message-----
From: Willie Wonka [mailto:alienspecimen@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Friday, April 15, 2011 2:40 PM
To: olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [OM] OT age segregation

Sorry to hear about your mom, Jeff.

My knee jerk reaction was to tell you to go with the nursing option, but
from what I hear, it seems like that wont be the best scenario, since she is
very social and needs to be around people she feels comfortable with.

You might want to consider bringing her to your house.  I know it will be a
strain on the family, but we do make sacrifices for the ones we love.

I have about ten years until I am in your shoes, but am already planning for
it.  My intention is either adding a small wing to the house or building a
small one room cottage in the backyard where my mother would have privacy
and her dignity would be preserved.



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