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Re: [OM] I want to sell all my E-SYSTEM stuff

Subject: Re: [OM] I want to sell all my E-SYSTEM stuff
From: Andrew Fildes <afildes@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2011 08:36:05 +1100
Just noticed that prices have dropped - E-1's are going for around $300 and 
14-54mm's for the same. But European prices should be a tad higher due to the 
higher retail prices and the VAT effect so i'd stand by my original suggestions.
Andrew Fildes

On 13/01/2011, at 8:24 AM, Andrew Fildes wrote:

> An E-1 in decent condition goes fro around $350 on ebay. With the HLD-2 grip 
> set, around $450. The original type 1 14-54mm should get $350, The 50mm Macro 
> is current and well-regarded - you can get a new one  online for a bit over 
> $600 so $400 for a good used one with hood and caps is fair. Add $50 for 
> anything that is really fresh and in the original box.

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