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Re: [OM] Semi-incommunicado

Subject: Re: [OM] Semi-incommunicado
From: Andrew Fildes <afildes@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 13 Feb 2010 15:28:47 +1100
That's quite a neat solution - wish that was available here.
However, as far as the first part goes, I can't see how poor hearing  
is the problem. Can you understand a strong Texas accent?
Murkins do seem to be rather intolerant of non-N.American voices. I've  
heard many stories of English and Oz/NZ visitors to the US who have  
quite mild regional accents and have had dreadful trouble being  
understood there, even by those with barely comprehensible speech  
patterns themselves.
The French do it too - my niece tells me I'm clumsy but perfectly  
understandable but many decline to understand on the grounds that I'm  
probably English or worse. Unless I'm buying something or I'm a friend  
of a friend.

Andrew Fildes

On 13/02/2010, at 3:14 PM, Chris Crawford wrote:

> Because they often speak poor English and are difficult to  
> communicate with.
> My hearing is poor and I simply cannot understand them. On top of  
> that, I
> absolutely refuse as a young college grad who cannot find work, whose
> friends are mostly educated and unemployed, to encourage the export of
> American jobs by talking to a poorly paid person whose willingness  
> to work
> for slave wages encourages the parasite class in this country to  
> continue to
> destroy the middle class. Whenever I call any company that puts me  
> through
> to a non-native speaker of English, I start speaking Spanish. They  
> transfer
> you to a Spanish speaking agent, who is almost always in the USA,  
> making a
> living wage. Most are Hispanic, and as a person of Spanish ancestry  
> I am
> happy to see them employed.

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