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Re: [OM] Advice on 90/2 lens repair - broken off metal piece on reat

Subject: Re: [OM] Advice on 90/2 lens repair - broken off metal piece on reat
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 2010 17:19:15 -0600
> It must be very expensive for you to acquire equipment.  If you're never
> allowed to have a partially empty bag you must have to buy a carefully
> planned bagful on every purchase.  :-)
LOL, yeah, something like that.  It's more of a situation where there are
more items than slots. For example, in my small bag I can carry an OM body
with about five lenses.  Or two fully clad OM bodies with MD2 and zooms.  Or
one E-1 setup.

Things were really rough when I had that Mamiya Press camera.  That was big.

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